Bill Walsh, the founder and CEO of The Objection Box, shares his insights on sales and overcoming objections. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the needle mover in sales, which he believes is overcoming objections. He breaks down the five main objections in the market and provides strategies for handling them. Bill also shares his personal journey into sales and the challenges of balancing work and family life.

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06:51 - The Needle Mover: Overcoming Objections

09:03 - Starting with the End in Mind

10:28 - The Five Objections

12:45 - Unpacking the Five Objections

25:00 - The Importance of Product-Market Fit

27:47 - Taking Care of Your Team



Tom Finn (00:00.424)

Welcome in to the podcast, my friends. Today we are sitting down with Bill Walsh. Bill, welcome to the show.


Bill Walsh (00:06.818)

Tom, appreciate you very, very much. Thank you for having me.


Tom Finn (00:10.804)

Well, we appreciate you as well, my friend. Can't wait to learn from you today. If you don't know Bill, let me take a moment and just introduce you to him. He is the founder and CEO of the Objection Box, one of the world's leading sales training companies. Bill's focus is on helping entrepreneurs and sales professionals 2X to 5X their income in 45 days or less with his Objection Box methodology. His rapid rise to success includes winning the prestigious 2CC Award from ClickFunnels in only four months, generating nearly $4 million in less than two years. All right, let's start with the Benjamins. Generating $4 million in less than two years is pretty impressive. How did you pull that off?


Bill Walsh (01:01.358)

Shit, it's like a rabbit out of the hat. You like just pull it out. It was just there. No, it's, look, it takes a lot of work. No, it takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of fortitude. It takes a lot of, you know, mental warfare. But the biggest thing, Tom, is I always tell people, do you have something of high value and can you sell it? That shows, you know, where you go in terms of revenue.


Tom Finn (01:08.617)

That's never that easy, Bill.


Bill Walsh (01:30.374)

And I'm very fortunate, Tom, we did all of that without any paid acquisition. No ads. All organic. 98% of it was organic in the last 18, 19 months. So we're very proud of it. We're very proud of the people we've helped and coached and trained and developed, but there's always more, you know, and that's the curse of being an entrepreneur, there's always more. You think you've done nothing? Even when you were speaking there, I kind of got a little bit, you know, a little bit here in the back of your neck stand up and it kind of makes your skin a bit crawl. But yeah, there's always more. There's always more to have.


Tom Finn (02:12.032)

Well, that's an interesting response. So hair on the back of your neck, making your skin crawl a little bit. Is that simply because you want to accomplish more or you think you should have accomplished more? You know, entrepreneurs feel this way all the time. How does it sit with you and why?


Bill Walsh (02:28.605)

Yeah. How does this sit with me? Very good. Look, I'm Irish, so… For most of our life, we're told to be humble. We're told to play small and play safe. And I don't do any of those things. But that little boy in me, Tom, when people speak and speak about you well and they give you pump up, the little boy inside me thinks of my mother sitting me down and giving me a telling off. So it's an unusual feeling for sure. So I'm one extreme.


And being Irish is the other extreme, so somewhere in the middle is where it's at. As entrepreneurs, as you will know Tom, whatever you do, it's never enough. Whatever you do, you think you've always settled yourself short and you could have done more and you should have done more. You're always going to the next day. So it's always the next one.


Tom Finn (03:30.152)

Yeah, that is the gift and the curse of being an entrepreneur is that things are never enough for the entrepreneur. One, 100%. So let's, let's talk about, um, for, for a second, this kind of path of winning the, the ClickFunnels awards, what, what was that based on? What was the product based on? Help, help us understand, um, you know, just some of the details around that. Cause that sets us up for a really rich conversation.


Bill Walsh (03:57.066)

Yeah, for sure. So the ClickFunnels award was won four months after we launched the business. And I don't know anyone else who has done that in the first four months of business, which is, which is awesome, which is great, which is a great kind of like pump in the chest. And how we did that, we had one product and we started it off at $3,000. Then it went to $5,500. Then it went to $7,500 and it went to 8,500 and we just kept going and going and going and going. The demand kept going, the supply kept going, the results kept going, the testimonials kept going, the case studies kept going. And before we knew it, four months later, we'd already collected the Two-Comer Club Award. So we're very proud of that. So we sell a tremendous amount of coaching and training in terms of development of salespeople, coaches, consultants, agency owners entrepreneurs as well as us and individual sales people whether they're online sales, whether they're in person sales, we do a kind of broad range of everything but 90% of it is online sales


Tom Finn (05:08.348)

Nice. And anything specific that's being sold that people should be thinking about when they think about you?


Bill Walsh (05:15.066)

Yeah, for sure. So my whole philosophy is going back to front. So Tom, when I spent, I spent four and a half years in military and when you're in military, you're told to do the hardest thing first. So we will be dropped on the bottom of a mountain and we would have 300 pounds between 10 of us, whatever it may be. Now all varying in different weights and different equipment in your head. You always think you would take it nice and easy and you carry the easy stuff up first wrong way to go about it. You've got to carry the hardest things first when you're full of energy, full of zip as I like to call it and full of enthusiasm. And I looked at sales like that. What is the hardest thing in sales? Overcoming objections. And every sales coach, trainer, developer wanted to start that this is how you open up the conversation. This is how you say hello. This is how you build rapport. This is how you build connections. This is how you build, you know, a gap and all of this great stuff. And then they had 8% of a training module on the actual thing that moved the needle. I came in and I looked at the organisations that we were competing with and we compete with every day. And I went, F this, I'm going to go the opposite way. I know 90% on objections and everything else after that is going to flow. And my, I suppose, philosophy has been proven right with the amount of people we've coached and trained and to get to where they are, you know, doubling and tripling and quadrupling their own income on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. So that's what we do. That's what changed the game for a lot of people, is focusing on the needle mover.


Tom Finn (06:51.936)

So you think the needle mover is objections.


Bill Walsh (06:55.814)

I think it is. I feel it is. Because if you're a sales professional Tom, what's the one thing that you don't want to do?


Tom Finn (07:05.92)

I don't know, maybe not answer a difficult question. I mean, there's probably lots of things you don't want to do.


Bill Walsh (07:06.071)

If… Yeah, well, like if you, yeah, for sure. There's lots of things. And from my experience, the most important thing is people don't want to be in difficult conversations. People don't enjoy conflict. People don't enjoy, you know, somewhat difficult energy spaces. And when you're in sales, that's what it is. Cause you're asking somebody to do something that they fundamentally more often than not don't want to do. You're asking them to give you something in exchange for value, but also that value has to come with a tremendous amount of work, dedication and time that they have to put in to get the outcome on the other side. So most people don't want to do anything in life because if most people did something in life, we wouldn't be in a pandemic and an epidemic of overweight people, broke people and people living in poverty. So most people don't want to do anything. They just want to think that they want to do everything. Now when it comes to sales, the hardest thing in my opinion to do in sales is to overcome people, their fears, their limitations, their hesitations and their, I suppose, inaction in moving forward into something of a better life. So when I look at sales, most salespeople tighten up, shrink up, lose confidence, lose that certainty in themselves when they start to get a little bit back from their prospect. And that's when you know now you're back in the game. Now you know.


You've got to get comfortable when everybody else is getting uncomfortable. You know what I mean? So that's what we coach, that's what we train. That's what we do every single day. If you're uncomfortable doing push-ups, guess what you're supposed to do every daytime?


Tom Finn (08:48.48)



Bill Walsh (08:49.534)

You're supposed to do the push-ups, you know. If you're overweight, you know, the hardest thing in the world to do is to get up every day and go and, you know, be relentless at it. It's the same with objection handling. The more you train, the more you earn.


Tom Finn (09:03.26)

Yeah, I love it. I always look at sales, uh, in a similar way where you start with the end in mind. So start with actually closing the account in your mind and work backwards from what are the needs that that, uh, decision maker, uh, needs through the process. And if you start with the end in mind, this is going to sell and you work backwards, the first thing you hit, as you just said is objections because it usually comes after the pitch, right? At, you know, you have the conversation, it seems really calm and easy and you're having this great conversation because guess what, you're the only one talking. And the minute the other person gets to talk, that's when this kind of uncomfortable setting, uh, starts to take place within the two humans or, or more.


Bill Walsh (09:51.679)

Correct. And it's every industry, Tom. It's not high ticket sales, it's not online sales, it's everywhere. Insurance, car sales, door to door, pest control, every single thing is sales, and every single thing is objections, straight up. When you go into the store, and you wanna buy a new jumper, and the lady behind the counter says to you, can I help you today? Initially, what do you say? I'm just, I'm okay, I'm looking straight away it's an objection I'm pushing you away from. Yeah? So every time you get an objection.


Tom Finn (10:28.84)

Yeah, yeah, it's true. And we've all done that a million times when we're shopping and somebody comes up and says, uh, what can I help you with? And I'm just browsing. I'm just looking. Don't worry about me. I don't want to be sold anything. Um, and when you get into business sales, it's what you're saying is it's a similar process. People immediately put up a wall.


Bill Walsh (10:49.806)

Correct? Yeah. It's everywhere, every place.


Tom Finn (10:54.816)

So how do you, how do you set up objections for some of your clients? How do we, how do we figure that out? So we understand we got to start with objections. If I'm sitting there and I'm a, I'm a business owner of a 50 or a hundred person company out there in the world. And I'm trying to figure this out. Where, where would you tell somebody to start with unpacking the objections?


Bill Walsh (11:15.554)

Yeah, so how many objections are in the market something? Do you think?


Tom Finn (11:21.351)



Bill Walsh (11:22.446)

There's a trick question for you. I put you on the spot. I do apologize, Tom. I put you on the spot. I'll tell you. Everyone wants to say there's 50 and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. There's five, Tom. There's five, okay? And you can bring them all down to five. Think about it, partner, a money, a fear, and a logistics. That's it. There's five. And I've broken it down into a spider web. More often than not, you're gonna get a think about it or a partner, which are the first two smoke screens that everyone gets.


Tom Finn (11:25.141)



Bill Walsh (11:52.718)

or they will say something like this, can you wrap it up into an email for me and send it over, us, me and the C-suite or the business execs or the partners will go through it if you're in the B2P aspect. But more often than not, if you're in a B2C consumer market, you're gonna get a think about it, there's a sleep on it, or you're gonna get a partner, let me run it to the partner, let's come back to you, let me write this in an email, come back in 24 hours. So the first two are smoke screens. After that, you gotta get to the understanding, is it a money?


Is it a fear or is it a logistics concern? That's where it breaks down. That's how I break it down. Now that's my opinion. That's how I break it down. It's very simple. It's a very structured approach. And you know, it takes away that fear of more and more and more and more objections coming up. If you can just zone it into five, you give yourself a chance.


Tom Finn (12:45.364)

So let's go through those five. I got the first one, which was think about it. I got third, which is money, then fourth fear and fifth logistics. And I did miss the second.


Bill Walsh (12:57.95)

Okay, so think about it as the first one, or typically what you're gonna get outside of that is a partner objection, whether that's a business partner, whether that's physical partner, like a wife, a husband, a wife and a girlfriend, then you're gonna get a money concern, and then it's gonna go to fear or logistics. And it literally, I'll give you a hundred calls, they'll break up into one of those five, guarantee you.


Tom Finn (13:23.828)

Yeah. The one I missed was the partner objection, uh, being business partner or personal, personal situation partner, uh, somebody else that needs to make the decision for me. And does that, does that partner decision also go to, I need to talk to other executives? Is that in the same bucket or is that in the think about it bucket?


Bill Walsh (13:44.898)

That's again is I'm giving you a reason, story, excuse not to make a decision. So for me, it's another smoke. Because if you can break it all down, Tom, how people make decisions are going to based on three things. If they have it, if they want it and are they willing? Meaning have they the money? Have the investment? Do they want it? Meaning do they actually want the outcome and are they willing to do the work? Those are three things that people have to understand.


Tom Finn (14:18.86)

I love the way you broke that down in such a simple way. Right, let's double click on that. So there's three things that people are looking for here when they are going through the sales process. You wanna make sure your customer has it, wants it, and is willing. Has it being, you gotta have the money to be able to pay for the product or service. Want it, you've gotta actually want the outcome that product or service provides.


Bill Walsh (14:23.734)

No shit. Yep. Correct?


Tom Finn (14:48.428)

Uh, and then, of course, willing, you gotta be willing to put some work, some efforts, some time, some energy behind this solution so that it actually works for you or your organization. And if we cross those three bridges with a prospect, an individual or an employer B2B B2C, you're going to land the sale.


Bill Walsh (15:10.83)

You're gravy, you're in the gravy as we say in Ireland, that's what it is. Yeah, very simple Tom, isn't it? Sales is very simple, people over complicate it all the time, over complicate everything all the time because it makes them sound great and wonderful and cool and hip. It's just simple, you're just having conversations, figuring out problems and overcoming them, that's all it is.


Tom Finn (15:34.688)

Yeah, look, I think people overcomplicate it because they don't know how to break it down. Uh, the great saying, one of the great sayings that I love is if I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. Well, what does that mean? It just means that it takes a lot longer to simplify things than it does to be verbose and just go on and on and on and on. Right. It takes intelligence to break things down into bite-sized pieces.


Bill Walsh (15:59.798)

Yeah, for sure. And I'm being divisive with you because you're absolutely spot on. You're absolutely spot on. Yes, everything comes down to education and knowledge. If you don't know, then you can't do. And if you can't do it, then you won't know. So that's how it works. But five, that's it, Tom. Five, all the five, that's it.


Tom Finn (16:17.792)

So how did you? So how did you come up with these five kind of main things? Think about it, partner objections, which are the smoke screens, and then moving into money, fear, and logistics as things that we need to overcome. Like, how did you build this model?


Bill Walsh (16:35.854)

I got punched in the mouth many times and got many nos and got many complaints and I got many deals and I looked at all of the calls that we did and all of the frameworks and all of the endings of calls and I started tracking shit and I started controlling stuff and I started looking at it and I said to myself hold on a second all of these are ending one of five ways.


And more often than not, I'm getting to think about our partner first and then it's going to go into the spiderweb into those three. Whether it goes money, and if it goes to money, then it's going to go money, fear or money, logistics. And it's the same thing over and over and over again. It's like in The Matrix. I found something Tom, that I'm excellent in the world at, like excellent. And I can say that with utmost confidence because I'm useless at everything else. Like absolutely useless at… 90% other things. I, to the extent Tom, where I will be doing a puzzle with my three-year-old and she'll be getting frustrated at me and I'll be getting frustrated at her because I can't find the piece to her three-year-old puzzle. So I just found something that I'm really good at and I understand the puzzle. You know, you know when you're in school and the algebra was up on the board and that cool kid just got it. He just knew exactly what was going on and I was so frustrated in school.


Because I didn't get it. And I was never going to get it. But I just look at sales, Tom, and I'm like, I got it. I know what it is. I know what this means. I know what a word means. I know what an inflection of an eyebrow is. I know what a tilt to the chin is. I know what a smile is. I know what a look over there is. I just know it. And I can't explain it. I just know.


Tom Finn (18:23.916)

Well, that is truly a gift. Forget school. Reading body language, cues, and being able to communicate in a way that people want to work with you is probably the greatest gift that you could have been given. So let's let school be in the rear view mirror and it sounds like you found your true passion and your love.


Bill Walsh (18:47.846)

I have and I'm very fortunate Tom, I'm very fortunate. Many many people won't find something that they're excellent at and they end up spending their life doing stuff just because they have to. I'm very fortunate I found something I'm very good at and I'm very humble about that and I can only say I'm good at it because I've proven it and the team that I have around me have proven it and the results will prove that. But I just find it easy, you know. But I have put a tremendous amount of work into it, you know, tremendous amount of work over and over, up and down, in and out.


Tom Finn (19:19.5)

So let's talk about that tremendous amount of work. Because I think some people hear this, they hear this simplified sales strategy that's worked to build a few million dollars pretty quickly and to win awards and those types of things. And most business owners and even division leaders of big companies are scratching their heads trying to figure out sales. And you've kind of figured this out. We've gone through that. So how did you start? You talked about your military experience. How did you get into this line of work? What's the story?


Bill Walsh (19:53.57)

How I got into sales was on the back end of that big massive C word. Remember that big massive C word that just took over the entire world for a couple of years. Or that crazy thing that was going to wipe out the entire world population. And I got wiped out and I was a personal trainer here in London Tom making good money coaching people to be better physically, mentally. And Covid wiped me off the board, like flat. And I had a baby who was my second born India in the next six weeks. And a good friend of mine offered me an opportunity to come in and start helping him with his fitness sales. And I took that opportunity and in the first week, I think we sold 36 packages. Now, back then, Tom, all the gyms were shut. It was over 30 degrees here. In London, it was absolutely bonkers. There was no equipment and what we were selling, Tom, it was push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and squats. That's what we sold. And I sold the absolute bejesus out of it. And after that first week, when I made more money selling fitness than I did doing fitness, I said, if this, I know what I'm doing now. And from there, I kind of snowballed. We went into different organizations and I started in sales then January, 2021, full time, no more fitness. So I started to fit, kept the fitness going and stuff like that, because I had clients. And it came to the December of 2020. And I sat down with my partner at the time and I said, I think I gotta go for this. You know, we're making good, good money. And I just, I just found it easier. Meaning my life was easier. Now the stress obviously came after that, of course. But… That's how we kind of fell in. And then January, 2021, we started full time. By March, 2021, I was the leading salesman for another sales organization that we used to coach for and sell for. And it just kind of snowballed from there, you know, set up the box, the objection box then in June, 2022. It's just been a bit of a mental four years, three years.


Tom Finn (22:13.524)

Yeah, what's the hardest drag mentally for you? What is the hardest piece of the mental focus or the hurdles that you have to get over?


Bill Walsh (22:24.782)

The biggest mental hurdle for me Tom is going to war every day. In my head I go to war every day but also being able to come home and be the dad as well. That was the biggest and is the biggest mental challenge for me every day. Every day. And it's the most difficult thing in my life. In my head I go to war every day with my competition, with the market, with… other salespeople, other sales organizations, and that's just how I operate. It's just the mindset I've always lived by, 31 years of age. It's been like that since day dot. And so to be able to take the switch from go, kill, to smile, hug, pick me up, pick me up, pick me up, that's the hardest shift for me. That little, if you can do both. I absolutely tip my hat to you. It's the hardest thing for me in life.


Tom Finn (23:29.172)

Yeah, well look, it's no secret to listeners on this show. I have four kids, my friend, so I hear you loud and clear, and I've still got a couple of little ones as well. And so, you know, I would tell ya, just take a deep breath before you walk through the door, you know, walk around the block, stay in your car longer, take the long walk home, whatever it might be, that gets you to clear your head before you walk through the door for the little ones. But you got to enjoy that time too, because the having little babies at home, there is nothing more rewarding in my mind. You know, sales are great. And of course, revenue is great and that stuff feels good too. But those little people, you know, they look in your eyes and that's it for me.


Bill Walsh (24:15.842)

They don't care either. They don't care whether you've done a massive day and no revenue day, they don't care if you've overcome 55 objections. They don't give a shit. They just want you for what you wanna be and that's it. That's the beauty of kids, for sure.


Tom Finn (24:31.464)

Yeah, absolutely. So what would you say to an entrepreneur that is struggling with sales, that is hitting the wall, they can't kind of figure it out? Maybe they're, I don't know, maybe they're a year in, maybe they're five years in. Is it as simple as just Bill just calling you and saying, hey, hire Bill and he'll figure this out for you? Or is there some real homework they need to do on their own?


Bill Walsh (25:00.222)

Yeah, most people would expect me to say, yes, just call me, I'll fix everything, I'm Houdini and I'll just click my fingers and off you go, you're off to the races. Look, I think a lot of entrepreneurs aren't actually entrepreneurs. Let's call it spade a spade. And they see the glam, the glitz, and they think that it's 99% glam and glitz, it's not. It's hard, they're hard, lonely yards, day after day, week after week, night after night.


So what I would say, the first thing you got to do is you got to look at what you offer the market and is it a market fit? Do people actually want it? If there's nobody wanting it, you can't sell it. And I can prove that time and time again. If you have something and people actually want it and it's in demand, it's far easier to sell something then. So


First thing entrepreneurs have to do is they've got to figure out if what I want to bring to the market is it something of value that people will exchange for hard earned cash. If it is and you know that because you're getting a tremendous result for somebody but now you're still not making the sales that you feel it deserves, then I can help you. But the first thing is product. If the product is not there and it's not good and people don't want it and it's not providing value and people aren't getting a result. I don't care who you are put a spell on somebody but they're going to snap out of it pretty soon and want the refund. So product is the number one thing. After that then it's skill set.


Tom Finn (26:34.668)

Hmm, all right, that makes sense. You gotta figure out your product market fit and then you call Bill. Uh.


Bill Walsh (26:41.586)

Most people would think I would just say, no, just call me and I'll figure it all out for you. But at the end of the day, the work that you do upfront, the product fit that you need to do upfront will far outweigh everything. Like you can literally be, you can be the best salesman in the entire world. But if you have a drunken Irishman, you ain't selling him a crate of Guinness if he's already upside down on Guinness. So you have to understand, do people actually want it? You have to make sure that it's actually needed and wanted in the market. Then it's a skill set.


Tom Finn (27:21.62)

Hmm. Yeah, that seems pretty straightforward. Find the product market fit, move yourself into a place that you can then double click on that fit and that demand, which is super important. So as you think about your own business, what's the hardest thing you have on your plate with your own team?


Bill Walsh (27:47.014)

I have a fantastic team, Tom. And I think most people say that, because they have to say that. I don't have to say it, and I don't want to say it if it's not true. I have fantastic people around me, I have fantastic people that I pour into every single day. The hardest thing for me is to make sure that I give them everything they deserve. That's my biggest thing, Tom. And that's maybe the protective gene that's in me and making sure that I can provide great people, great opportunities, meaning they can make the money that they wanna make, they can have the impact that they wanna have, and they can live the life through my life, if that makes sense. Like they can get their goals through the company's goals. That's my biggest thing for my team. That's the biggest thing that keeps me up at night, is making sure that am I doing enough? Can I do more? Can I lead better?


Can I coach better? Can I set a higher standard? That's my late night thoughts, unfortunately.


Tom Finn (28:54.632)

Late-night talks with Bill. Uh, maybe that's another podcast you could start. Um, you know, what's deep in your thought, uh, on a late night. Look, I think, I think that is, uh, that is the epitome though of a good leader trying to figure out how to make it all work for everybody else, right? Trying to take the business, uh, mold it the best we can grow it the best we can, but bring everybody along with us along on this journey so that they can.


Bill Walsh (28:56.723)

Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Jesus, you don't want to know. Yeah. Reap the rewards just like the company does. It's incredibly important. What ends up happening when you do it that way, you know this, you get good people to work with you because they see the vision, they're behind it. They know you're for them first and they'll come run through a wall for you.


Yep. Yeah, and that's so true. Like I have the most loyal people around me and my guys, Tom, are excellent salespeople, like excellent. They get hit up all the time. Do you wanna come here? Do you wanna go there? Do you wanna do this? Do you wanna do that? And I think they're loyal because I'm loyal to them. And I've been in organizations, Tom, where decisions are made above your head. You don't know why. You weren't involved in it and you were just told. And I never wanted to build an environment around me that ultimately I dictated what it was gonna be. When I make changes, I'm the boss, unfortunately. Or fortunately, but everybody gets a seat at the table and everybody has input. Of course, the last decision is mine, but everybody's voice, everybody's opinion is absolutely valuable. And there's decisions, Tom, that I don't make.


Meaning the team make the decision, they come to me and say, Bill, this is what I think this company needs. This is what we're struggling with. This is what we have come with. There's two or three options. And then I have to make the decision, but they did the work. And I've been around many, many A players, I call them Mavericks, where you can entice them for long enough with dangling the carrot of money at them. But a lot of people, Tom, in life want to be a part of something.


And I'm very fortunate that people that are with me want to be a part of it. They're not doing it for a paycheck because they could probably make a ton of money somewhere else. They can make a ton of money building their own thing if they wanted to, but they see the mission, they see the goals and they're willing on wanting and that's that for me is key.


Tom Finn (31:30.58)

Well, my friend, this is the talent empowerment podcast and you just hit the nail on the head, uh, in terms of being right in our fast lane here. I think you're right on, look, you got to take care of people. There's always other places to go. And if you can build purpose and character lead with trust, uh, you can, uh, hire really well and retain those really talented employees. So kudos to you, man, for figuring that out pretty quickly and making it a part of your business model, which is, is likely why you're so successful.


Bill Walsh (31:34.679)

Oh shit. I appreciate that, Tom.


Tom Finn (32:05.568)

So Bill, if somebody wants to track you down after they have figured out their product market fit, of course, and work with you or someone on your team and get to know you guys and figure out their own sales process, how do they track you and figure this thing out?


Bill Walsh (32:39.722)

Yeah, so we're pretty heavy on Instagram, pretty heavy on Facebook. I would say to people, if you want any help, I got a free Facebook community on Facebook called the Objection Box Community. It's completely free. I go live three times a week in their coach and train and develop people for absolutely zilch nada other than reciprocity and happiness and goodwill coming back to us. And also what we have is we've actually broken down Tom all the objections to top five objections broken it down to a structure to a routine through a system and we actually can give it to you guys for free. All I'd ask you to do is just jump onto my Instagram. It's Bill Walsh official and shoot me the word podcast in a message and I'll actually get that PDF out to you would literally breaks down the top five objections in the market so you can go and make a ton of money. All I want you to do is say thanks. That's it.


Tom Finn (33:39.62)

Awesome brother, I love it. Well look, we'll get the Facebook and the Instagram links into the show notes so that if people are driving and listening, they don't have to try to tap that out on their phones. And appreciate you being on the show, my man. Check it out, my friends. Facebook, the objection box community. Check Bill Walsh official on the IG. Send him a note that says podcast and all of this glorious information is yours free of charge.


Bill Walsh (34:08.73)

Thank you, Tom. I appreciate you, buddy.

Tom Finn
Podcaster & Co-Founder

Tom Finn (he/him) is an InsurTech strategist, host of the Talent Empowerment podcast, and co-founder and CEO of an inclusive people development platform.

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